Grandkids Portrait

As the Photobomb Mom, you can probably guess where my focus is… my family. As you may have seen on my about page, I am a hugely sentimental person, especially when it comes to my family. That is why I gifted my parents with a portrait of all nine of their grandkids in birth order. My sisters’ kids wore blue and white shirts, while my children wore red. My sisters have each lost babies (either by miscarriage or still birth). So my nieces and nephews are each holding a bear which I crocheted representing one of the babies they have in Heaven. This kind of portrait is important to me…it tells a story and it means something special to the ones who hang it in their homes. That is my goal when I do a photo shoot… to get some shots that really mean something. Please comment and/or contact me to receive a gift that you will always treasure.

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